About Us
Contact Us

We’ll make it easy. Just  call us at (313) 928-3569, or visit 1909 S. Fort Street, Detroit, MI 48217.  Store Hours; Tuesday -Friday 10:00 til 5;30 Open Mondays and Sat by appointment only.Closed on Sunday

Remember in order to keep our businesses in our communities, we must patronize them, or else they will be GONE  Forever  

                 A new venture has arrived 
    Sages & Sprouts Community Activities Inc.
A new program that caters to Senior and Youth. Creating a vital community where youth and seniors can socialize with each other.  Mentoring, Gardening, simple round table discussions, sewing, and much more.  Looking for Volunteers to help with the programs.
Sages are seniors ( Wisdom and knowledge)
Sprouts are youths( Our future beings  for tomorrow ventures)

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